Fluke Products
Items For Sale #
New HPIB/488 Card Kit (1)
Fluke LED Displays (3)
Fluke 8840A Meters (3)
HC700013P Clone (2)
Zilog Z8611/13 Clone (1)
Fluke Replacement PCB Rivets (1)
Items For FREE #
Fluke 8840A ROMs (3)
Fluke 8840AF ROMs (1)
Fluke 8842A ROMs (2)
Fluke HPIB/488 Card Info (1)
Replica HPIB/488 Interface for 8840A/8842A Kit
HPIB/488 Kit HPIB/488 Kit Back

This listing kit to assemble a replica of the original Fluke HPIB interface card for the 8840A & 8842A.

If you have a Fluke 8840A/8840AF or 8842A without the 488 bus interface, this kit will upgrade your meter for remote control. This is an all through-hole assemble requiring only modest assembly and soldering skills.

Our kit uses a new PCB design fabricated to fit in the exact location of the original Fluke design. This PCB will operate correctly in all Fluke 884X models and is configured to use the same external triggering that was found on the OEM PCBs.

We have tested this design in all 884X meters and with many HPIB/488 programs testing, in some manner, all HPIB commands. While it is difficult to provide commercial production test verification, we believe that by obtaining the exact components used in the original Fluke design we have reached a good compromise. We also provide a test program written in Visual C++ tant tests most all of the meter rances and functions.

As this PCB uses 100% through-hole device assembly, only maderate soldering skills are required. The instructions are sequenced with intermediate verification tests to improve end results. Socket use for the 40-pin devices is required. But socket use for the remaining devices is optional but recommended. (Sockets are included for all IC devices.)

As this component requires further assembly by the Buyer, we are unable to offer returns. However, the Buyer has the option of returning the complete adapter for our possible repair. Buyer pays agreed upon service fee and shipping costs for repairs.

If you have questions, please ask before ordering.

  ($ 170.00) Fluke 8840A-42A GPIB-488 Card Replica Kit


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