Fluke Products
Items For Sale #
New HPIB/488 Card Kit (1)
Fluke LED Displays (3)
Fluke 8840A Meters (3)
HC700013P Clone (2)
Zilog Z8611/13 Clone (1)
Fluke Replacement PCB Rivets (1)
Items For FREE #
Fluke 8840A ROMs (3)
Fluke 8840AF ROMs (1)
Fluke 8842A ROMs (2)
Fluke HPIB/488 Card Info (1)
Fluke Replacement Parts (Limited Supply)
!! NEW !! Fluke Zilog Z8611 Clone HCZ8611C HCZ8611C

Fluke used several variations of the Zilog Z8611 processor in the 884X meters including the Z8613 piggy-back device with a 4K ROM mounted on top. There are mask-ROM versions with 4K internal & 4K external in socket U202, as well as 8K internal with no external ROM. The earliest 8840A ROM version is 2.3, progressing to the final 4.0 version in the late 1990's. For the 8840AF we know of only a 2.5 ROM set and for the 8842A there are 3.0 & 3.1 ROM sets. We see no good reason to use any but the latest version.

Our Z8611 clone is based on the UB8840M with a PCB mounted external UV EPROM for the low 4K. This is a 64-pin QIL package with buffered I/O for reading external ROMs.

Each of the 3 Fluke meters (8840A, 8840AF & 8842A) require a different ROM set. We provide both upper & lower ROMs in the latest version for the selected meter. (See caution below)

Our KIT package contains a PCB with premounted SMD capacitors. It also includes the UB8840M processor, EPROM socket and all needed pin headers and through hole components.

If you also want the LOW or LOW & HIGH EPROM, please indicate your meter model in the space provided.

A note of caution... We currently DO NOT have a copy of the LOW ROM (U202) for the Fluke 8840AF. So this clone is not a solution for 8840AF CPU failures. Also, we only supply the 4.0 ROM set for 8840A meters as we have found, like others, the UB8840M has problems with the 2.3 ROM version.

Fluke Z8611/13 Processor Clone Kit
Enter meter model #
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!! NEW !! Fluke Zilog Z8613 PiggyBack IC HCZ8613 Currently Unavailable

This offer is for an new OEM Zilog Z8613 PiggyBack Processor.