Fluke Products
Items For Sale #
New HPIB/488 Card Kit (1)
Fluke LED Displays (3)
Fluke 8840A Meters (3)
HC700013P Clone (2)
Zilog Z8611/13 Clone (1)
Fluke Replacement PCB Rivets (1)
Items For FREE #
Fluke 8840A ROMs (3)
Fluke 8840AF ROMs (1)
Fluke 8842A ROMs (2)
Fluke HPIB/488 Card Info (1)
Fluke 8840AF ROM Sets
Fluke Zilog Z8611 Clone HCZ8611C HCZ8611C

Each of the 3 Fluke meters (8840A, 8840AF & 8842A) require a different ROM set. We have collected every rom set that we know of for each of these meters. We have listed all known ROM sets including all LOW & HIGH 4K ROMs.

Fluke began this meter series in the early 1980's and ended them in the late 1990's. Over that time Fluke used many versions of the Zilog Z8611 processor, and all processors are interchangable so long as you use a consistant set of ROMs.

Feel free to re-distribute these files, just give reference to the source. If anyone findes an error, please send us a contact email. If someone has any of the missing ROMs, we would be glad to add them.

Note that the files are named with the following data: