Fluke Products
Items For Sale #
New HPIB/488 Card Kit (1)
Fluke LED Displays (3)
Fluke 8840A Meters (3)
HC700013P Clone (2)
Zilog Z8611/13 Clone (1)
Fluke Replacement PCB Rivets (1)
Items For FREE #
Fluke 8840A ROMs (3)
Fluke 8840AF ROMs (1)
Fluke 8842A ROMs (2)
Fluke HPIB/488 Card Info (1)
Fluke Multimeters (Limited Supply - Fixed Domestic Shipping)
8840A-7 8840A-4 8840A-5 8840A-5 8840A-8

Refurbished Serial 5076029

This listing is for 1 8840A 5-1/5 digit multimeter with optional AC converter and/or IEEE 488 bus interface. A handle is NOT included. There is only 1 meter for sale with 4 options. When one is sold the listing will be closed. Photos are representative but not necessarily exact unit.

We take a somewhat different approach in listing these Fluke meters compared to other marketplace sellers. We are not a professional certification lab and make no claims as such. And we are not claiming to have calibrated this meter. But we do believe the buyer should know more about the condition of the meter than given by some photos of the display. To this end we measure 50 manufacturer specifications, including 24 hr & 1 year specifications, and indicate exactly which are still passing (OK). (These are all described in the Fluke Service Manual.) These tests should give confidence that, after 30-40 years, this meter will give good performance going forward. But we cannot guarantee the future performance beyond 30 days.

Specification Measurements:

  • measure all 10 internal power supplies for DC and AC ripple
  • 100mV, 1V, 10V range for 24 hr & 1 year accuracy spec
  • -100mV, -1V, -10V range for 24 hr & 1 year accuracy spec
  • 100, 2K, 20K, 200K, 2M, 20Mohm current source compliance voltage
  • 200mV, 2, 20, 200, 1000VDC zero short voltage
  • 100 & 10000 ohm 2-wire & 4-wire accuracy
  • A/D (ADC) linearity check for specification steps A, B, C, D, E, F & G
Our Equipment:
  • 2 - HP3457A 7-1/2 dig System meters with 10-ch scanners
  • 1 - Ectron 1120 Thermocouple Calibrator
  • 1 - Natl Inst GPIB-USB-HS 488 bus interface controller
  • 1 - 10VDC precision reference generator with traceability
  • 1 - environmental temperature sensor
  • 1 - set of precision reference resistors

As shown in the variations, we can offer this unit in one of four configurations. Regardless of the configuration selected, the unit will pass all pertinent self-tests. If no IEEE 488 option is selected, the back panel will have a blanking plate installed.
VFD Display:
The VFD for this unit is shown in the pictures. On a scale of 0(dead) - 5(new) we consider this one a 2.5. Certainly still servicable.
We provide a 30-day warranty/guaranty. Buyer pays return shipping costs. Tamper-resistant security stickers are placed on bezel and back panel. Disturbing these will void the warranty/guaranty.
  • Passed ALL 50 tests
  • Fluke 8840A_5076029 (4) Options
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    8840A-7 8840A-4 8840A-5 8840A-5 8840A-8

    Refurbished Serial 3958263

    This listing is for 1 8840A 5-1/5 digit multimeter with optional AC converter and/or IEEE 488 bus interface. A handle is NOT included. There is only 1 meter for sale with 4 options. When one is sold the listing will be closed. Photos are representative but not necessarily exact unit.

    We take a somewhat different approach in listing these Fluke meters compared to other marketplace sellers. We are not a professional certification lab and make no claims as such. And we are not claiming to have calibrated this meter. But we do believe the buyer should know more about the condition of the meter than given by some photos of the display. To this end we measure 50 manufacturer specifications, including 24 hr & 1 year specifications, and indicate exactly which are still passing (OK). (These are all described in the Fluke Service Manual.) These tests should give confidence that, after 30-40 years, this meter will give good performance going forward. But we cannot guarantee the future performance beyond 30 days.

    Specification Measurements:

    • measure all 10 internal power supplies for DC and AC ripple
    • 100mV, 1V, 10V range for 24 hr & 1 year accuracy spec
    • -100mV, -1V, -10V range for 24 hr & 1 year accuracy spec
    • 100, 2K, 20K, 200K, 2M, 20Mohm current source compliance voltage
    • 200mV, 2, 20, 200, 1000VDC zero short voltage
    • 100 & 10000 ohm 2-wire & 4-wire accuracy
    • A/D (ADC) linearity check for specification steps A, B, C, D, E, F & G
    Our Equipment:
    • 2 - HP3457A 7-1/2 dig System meters with 10-ch scanners
    • 1 - Ectron 1120 Thermocouple Calibrator
    • 1 - Natl Inst GPIB-USB-HS 488 bus interface controller
    • 1 - 10VDC precision reference generator with traceability
    • 1 - environmental temperature sensor
    • 1 - set of precision reference resistors

    As shown in the variations, we can offer this unit in one of four configurations. Regardless of the configuration selected, the unit will pass all pertinent self-tests. If no IEEE 488 option is selected, the back panel will have a blanking plate installed.
    VFD Display:
    The VFD for this unit is shown in the pictures. On a scale of 0(dead) - 5(new) we consider this one a 2.5. Certainly still servicable.
    We provide a 30-day warranty/guaranty. Buyer pays return shipping costs. Tamper-resistant security stickers are placed on bezel and back panel. Disturbing these will void the warranty/guaranty.
  • Passed ALL 50 tests
  • Fluke 8840A_3958263 (4) Options
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